Tag: socials
Bunco On The Deck
Lots of fun, light snacks and a cash bar — an ideal afternoon on the Club’s Deck!
Open House
Enjoy a guided tour of our scenic waterfront, a 9-hole golf course, tennis & pickleball facilities. This is a perfect opportunity to explore all that Chequessett has to offer.
Thursday Social On The Deck
We are excited to introduce our modified Thursday Socials on the Deck! Enjoy a great company and a cash bar on the Club’s Deck early in the season.
Siegel Cup
If you’d like to get affiliated with the League, please reach out to the League’s Chairmen Mike Snell & Gary Carter @ cyccgolf@gmail.com
Family Favorite Recipe Night
Bring your best dish, appetizers or dessert! Cash bar available.
President’s Potluck Dinner
A fun evening of sharing recipes, reconnecting with your friends and enjoying the cash bar at Chequessett Club!
Drills & Drinks
Come and have some fun before heading to the Boathouse to enjoy the first Thursday Social of the season!
Chili Cook-Off
Bring chili, appetizers or dessert! Cash bar available.
Paint & Sip
Spend your evening in a cozy setting surround by art, good friends and a cash bar.
Chess On The Deck
This event will feature a Swiss format with three rounds of 25-minute rapid games, ensuring a dynamic and engaging experience for all participants. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new […]